Medical Facility Licensed By Dubai Health Authority (DHA)


Healing & Wellness at Your Door-Step

A Guide for Al Ain Residents

Patient Right And Responsibilities of Call Doctor in Al Ain Home Health Care

Patient Right And Responsibilities, At On Call Doctor Home Health Treatment in Al Ain, we are dedicated to providing our patients with expert and compassionate medical care within the comfort and familiarity of their own homes. Our mission revolves around ensuring that each patient receives the highest quality of care, tailored to their individual needs and delivered with utmost professionalism.

As we embark on this journey together, it is essential for both patients and caregivers to understand their rights and responsibilities, which form the cornerstone of our commitment to excellence in healthcare delivery. By adhering to these principles, we strive to foster a positive and productive care experience for everyone involved.

Patient Rights: Patients receiving care from On Call Doctor Home Health Treatment in Al Ain have certain fundamental rights that we uphold with utmost respect and diligence. These rights include:

Respect and Dignity: Every patient deserves to be treated with respect, dignity, and compassion at all times.

Privacy and Confidentiality: We maintain strict confidentiality regarding all patient information and ensure that their privacy is protected at all times.

Informed Decision-Making: Patients have the right to receive clear and understandable information about their health condition, treatment options, and potential risks and benefits, enabling them to make informed decisions about their care.

Choice and Consent: Patients have the right to participate in decisions about their care, including the right to refuse or consent to treatment, as well as the right to choose their healthcare providers.

Quality of Care: Patients are entitled to receive high-quality medical care that meets recognized standards of practice and is delivered with competence and professionalism.

Caregiver Responsibilities:

In addition to patient rights, caregivers also have important responsibilities in ensuring the delivery of safe and effective care. These responsibilities include:

Competence and Qualifications: Caregivers must possess the necessary skills, qualifications, and training to provide the level of care required by the patient.

Communication and Collaboration: Caregivers should maintain open and transparent communication with patients and their families, as well as collaborate effectively with other members of the healthcare team to ensure coordinated care.

Respect for Patient Preferences: Caregivers should respect the preferences, values, and cultural beliefs of patients and involve them in decisions regarding their care whenever possible.

Safety and Hygiene: Caregivers must adhere to strict safety and hygiene protocols to minimize the risk of infection and ensure a safe environment for both themselves and the patient.

Documentation and Record-Keeping: Caregivers are responsible for maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of the care provided, including medications administered, vital signs, and any changes in the patient’s condition.

By upholding these rights and responsibilities, we strive to create a healthcare environment that prioritizes patient-centered care, promotes mutual respect and collaboration, and ultimately leads to improved health outcomes and enhanced well-being for all. Thank you for entrusting On Call Doctor Home Health Treatment in Al Ain with your healthcare needs.

Our Patient Right And Responsibilities in On Call Doctor

As we enter into this collaborative partnership between patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals within the sphere of On Call Doctor Home Health Care, it’s paramount to acknowledge and uphold the rights and responsibilities inherent to each party involved. This mutual understanding forms the foundation for fostering an environment characterized by mutual respect, trust, and the delivery of high-quality care. At On Call Doctor Home Health Care in Al Ain, our unwavering commitment lies in guaranteeing your well-being and comfort at every juncture of your healthcare journey.

Our dedication extends beyond mere medical treatment; it encompasses a holistic approach that prioritizes your overall health and satisfaction. From the moment you engage with our services, whether it’s through a consultation, a home visit, or ongoing care management, we strive to provide a seamless experience marked by compassion, professionalism, and personalized attention.

Recognizing the significance of patient autonomy and empowerment, we uphold your right to be actively involved in decisions concerning your health and treatment plan. Your input is invaluable, and we encourage open communication to ensure that your preferences, concerns, and goals are always taken into account.

Moreover, we understand the pivotal role that caregivers play in supporting patients, often serving as their advocates and pillars of strength. We recognize and respect the contributions of caregivers, striving to involve them as valued members of the healthcare team and providing them with the necessary support and resources to fulfill their vital role effectively.

Simultaneously, we, as healthcare professionals, acknowledge our responsibility to provide accurate information, sound medical advice, and evidence-based care tailored to your unique needs. We operate with transparency and integrity, ensuring that you are fully informed about your condition, treatment options, and any potential risks or benefits associated with different courses of action.

In essence, our ethos revolves around creating a collaborative healthcare environment where patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals work hand in hand to achieve optimal health outcomes and enhance overall well-being. Your trust in us is not taken lightly, and we are deeply committed to exceeding your expectations by delivering compassionate, comprehensive, and personalized care that prioritizes your dignity, comfort, and autonomy.

doctor at a hotel

Patient Rights And Responsibilities Tasks:

At On Call Doctor Al Ain, we hold firm to the principles of dignity, respect, and patient-centered care. We believe that every individual deserves to be treated with the utmost respect, recognizing their inherent worth and honoring their personal preferences. Our healthcare providers and caregivers are committed to fostering an environment of civility and understanding, where cultural differences are embraced and communication is conducted with empathy and consideration.

One of our core values is ensuring that patients are empowered to make informed decisions about their health. We believe in providing clear and accessible information about illnesses, treatment options, potential risks, and benefits. When patients are capable of participating in their care decisions, we actively involve them in the decision-making process, respecting their autonomy and preferences every step of the way.

At On Call Doctor Al Ain, we are dedicated to delivering care of the highest quality, adhering to the standards set forth by Dubai’s healthcare regulatory authorities. Our commitment to excellence means that our patients can trust in the safety and effectiveness of the medical procedures we perform. Our caregivers are highly qualified and experienced, ensuring that each patient receives the best possible care tailored to their individual needs.

We recognize the importance of care continuity in promoting positive health outcomes. Smooth transitions between different levels of care, whether from the hospital to the home or between caregivers, are essential for ensuring seamless patient experiences. At On Call Doctor Al Ain, we strive to facilitate these transitions, ensuring that patients receive consistent and coordinated care throughout their healthcare journey.

In summary, at On Call Doctor Al Ain, we are dedicated to upholding the principles of dignity, respect, and patient-centered care. We are committed to empowering patients to make informed decisions about their health, providing care of the highest quality, and ensuring continuity of care to promote positive health outcomes. Your well-being is our top priority, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

At Doctor on Call Al Ain, we believe that pain management is a fundamental aspect of patient care. We recognize and uphold the principle that every patient has the right to receive appropriate evaluation and treatment for pain and discomfort. Our dedicated team of caregivers prioritizes the comfort and well-being of each patient, ensuring that their pain is effectively managed throughout their treatment journey.

Treatment Refusal

We understand that patients have the autonomy to make decisions about their own healthcare. As such, patients at Doctor on Call Fujairah are free to decline or discontinue any treatment or therapy offered to them. We respect the right of patients to make informed choices about their medical care. Our caregivers are committed to providing patients with all the necessary information and support they need to understand the potential consequences of refusing or discontinuing treatment. While we strive to offer guidance and assistance, we ultimately respect and honor the decisions made by our patients regarding their treatment plans.

Access to Medical Records:

Transparency and open communication are integral to the patient-provider relationship at Doctor on Call Al Ain. We firmly believe that patients should have easy access to their medical records, empowering them to understand their health status fully. Patients have the right to review their medical records, ask questions, and seek clarification on any aspect of their health information.

At Doctor on Call Al Ain, we hold patient privacy and confidentiality in the highest regard. We understand the sensitive nature of personal and medical information and adhere strictly to the highest standards set forth by privacy laws. Patients entrust us with their health details, and we ensure that this trust is respected and protected. Our commitment is unwavering; every patient has the right to expect that their personal and medical information remains confidential.

We recognize that maintaining privacy is fundamental to fostering trust between healthcare providers and patients. Whether discussing medical history, treatment options, or sensitive health concerns, patients can rest assured that their information is handled with the utmost discretion. Our staff undergoes regular training to uphold these standards, ensuring that patient confidentiality is upheld at every step of the healthcare journey.

Our aim is to facilitate an environment where patients feel empowered and informed about their healthcare journey. Should patients identify inaccuracies or discrepancies in their medical records, they are encouraged to bring them to our attention. We welcome open dialogue and strive to promptly address any concerns, ensuring that patients’ medical records accurately reflect their health history.

At Doctor on Call Al Ain, we recognize that effective care begins with transparency and trust. By providing patients with access to their medical records and fostering open communication, we empower them to actively participate in their healthcare decisions. Our commitment to patient-centered care extends to respecting their right to access and understand their medical information, further strengthening the bond of trust between patients and healthcare providers.

1. Schedule Doctor Visit At Your Doorstep

Call us and Get Premium and Affordable Medical Treatment in The Comfort of Your Home or Hotel Room

2. Swift Arrival Time After Your Call

The Required Registered and Highly Trained Medical Team Will Arrive Your Place Within 30 Minutes

3. Diagnosis & Treatment

Get Better and Recovered At The Comfort Your Home, Hotel Room or Workplace

Patient Right And Responsibilities:

Compliance with Treatment

Patients are in charge of adhering to the doctors' recommendations regarding the recommended course of treatment, drugs, and therapies. The effectiveness of care may be compromised by noncompliance.

Accurate Information

Patients should provide accurate and complete information about their medical history, current conditions, medications, and any other relevant details to ensure proper care planning.

Giving Respect for Caregivers

Patients should treat caregivers and healthcare professionals with respect and communicate their preferences, concerns, and feedback in a constructive manner.

Ensuring a Safe Environment

It is the responsibility of patients to keep their surroundings tidy and safe for caregivers to work in, eliminating any risks that could interfere with providing care.

Clear Communication

It is important for patients to be honest with their caregivers about their requirements, expectations, and any changes in their health. This involves promptly disclosing any unfavorable treatment effects.

Financial Responsibilities

In accordance with the terms and circumstances of the care agreement, patients are expected to promptly and openly complete their financial commitments.

Active Participation

It is urged of patients to actively engage in their care by enquiring about available treatments, gathering information, and making well-informed decisions.

Active Participation

Patients are encouraged to actively participate in their care by asking questions, seeking information, and making informed decisions about their treatment options.

Active Participation

It is urged of patients to actively engage in their care by enquiring about available treatments, gathering information, and making well-informed decisions.
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